Monday, October 29, 2007


Last Monday was an unusually warm day for late October, a day meant to be spent entirely outside. Which is why the boys and I made a spontaneous trip to our favorite beach, where we spent a few hours playing in the (frigid) waves, exploring tide pools and climbing the slippery rocks. After a picnic lunch eaten with sandy hands, we headed home so B could take his nap. Fast forward to today, another sunny day, but with the feel of snow instead of sand. It's amazing how fickle the weather is this time of year. It makes it hard to plan our days but at least it never gets boring. And quite honestly, it could be hailing cats and dogs and it wouldn't phase me today, because the RED SOX WON THE WORLD SERIES!!! Quite worth staying up past midnight last night. :)

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Hubby's family has a camp up north, and although we haven't been spending as much time there as we used to, it never fails to impress us when we visit. This past weekend was no exception. The foliage was just starting to peek out from behind the low, hovering clouds on the other side of the lake. The weather was chilly, but that didn't stop the boys from playing in the crystal clear water. Luckily Hubby had a fire going inside the camp to warm them up once they decided it really WAS too cold to swim. We enjoyed a take-out pizza for lunch, which is a huge deal for us with D's food allergies. There aren't many places we trust to be peanut-free, tree-nut free, egg-free, soy-free (you get the idea), so it's a rare treat to eat out or do take out. I called a local restaurant and found out they have SAFE pizza!! It doesn't take much to thrill me, does it?!
D has become interested in reading books about dragons and other mythological creatures lately. After lunch at the camp, we headed out on an expedition to find dragon bones. As described in one of his books, we began our hunt by searching for the "swish marks" of dragon tails on nearby rocks and trees. D found an abundance of swish marks, while B and Uncle K did the digging in hopes of finding some buried treasures. We followed the clues all the way to the river, where everyone focused on finding handfuls of "dragon teeth" and "dragon claws" amongst the rocks and boulders. At first we thought we'd donate them to the Museum of Science, but in the end the boys decided it would be more fun to paint their discoveries and keep them forever.

Thursday, October 4, 2007


We awoke to a leaf-covered driveway that looked like crispy, brown and gold snow. D and B couldn't wait to get outside to enjoy the arrival of fall, and we spent the next two hours riding bikes and searching for the perfect leaves to use for a few craft projects I have planned for tomorrow. Usually around mid-February I begin wondering why anyone would want to live in New England with the long, dreary, bitter winters. But then October arrives and quietly awakens a renewal of awe at the beauty New England possesses. I wouldn't want to be anywhere else than right here in my own yard during this fleeting time of the year. It's wonderful to see the boys enjoying the season as much as I do, if not more. Raking leaves, stacking wood, breathing in the crisp air. Wandering through the yard, matching fallen leaves to their trees. Picking apples, baking pies, drinking warm apple cider and visiting the pumpkin patch. It's going to be a busy month!