Thursday, April 9, 2009

Weekly Report~ April 10, 2009

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MY SWEET GODDAUGHTER!!! She turns the big "6" today. Unfortunately she lives across the country from us, but we'll be thinking of her regardless of the miles. Here she is with an enormous pine cone~ have you ever seen anything like it?? My little guy B would be in his GLORY if he stumbled upon this beauty.

Another week has flown by. D continues to complain about having to "do school", but quickly gets down to business now that he's earning money to buy LEGOs. It's amazing the difference we've seen in him, both with school and in his behavior around the house. He will do ANYTHING to save up money for the latest and greatest Lego product. This morning he was dressed and done with two pages of math and two pages of phonics before I even woke up. "Whatever works" has become my new motto.

Here's a quick rundown of what we've been up to:

Math~ Addition up to 20
Phonics~ "ch"
Handwriting~ Mixed in with other lessons and some 'homemade' copywork
Geography~ Russia
Science~ Plants
Reading~ OPG and library books (he's been reading to us at night before bed)
Everything Else~ Playdates, Lego, computer games and playing outside (YEAY nice weather!)

Happy Easter to everyone who celebrates! Enjoy your time together.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Wordless Wednesday

D made a few good friends during our visit to the NHSPCA animal shelter in March.