Friday, January 25, 2008

Time to Fill

It's one of those mornings. We got up, ate breakfast, got dressed, and played for a few minutes. I threw in a load of laundry, emptied the dishwasher, refilled it. Fed the cats, put away two loads of laundry, read to the boys. D and I translated our names using Egyptian hieroglyphics while B jumped on the trampoline. I switched the laundry over to the dryer, and found another pile of clothes that needed to be put away. In the process, I decided to go through all of B's clothes to sort out the ones that are too small. I ended up with an entire laundry basket full of clothes to give to the Salvation Army, and B's drawers are finally managable. While I was organizing, the boys managed to take all the books off B's bookshelf and fight over each one. Two time outs later, the books were all back on the shelf and the arguing had ended. And now??

And now it's 9:00am.

Nine. In the morning. That leaves us with a LOT of hours left to fill. It's too cold to play outside at this point, so that means a day of indoor play. I *could* bring them to the library, but the town has no school today (teacher workshop?) which means the library will be JAMMED with kids. I *could* go shopping, but that will ultimately lead to spending money I don't need to be spending right now. Looks like we'll be doing a lot of baking, reading, and just being lazy together by the warm wood stove. Sounds like a great way fill all those long, cold winter hours....

1 comment:

Corey Hughes said...

Dear Shannon and family:

Greetings from MI to NH! We just enjoyed reading your site immensely. The photos and blogs are wonderful. I registered a blog sit to share our family with all of you but have not had time to complete it yet.

Your days appear to be very full, but I bet also very fulfilling.

We have been consumed with church activities for the past six months, but it keeps us from getting old!

Your comment about the boys having a genetic tendency towards the fast and loud is greater than you may have realized. I am over the snowmobiles, motor cycles and racing through the woods on Mt. bikes and now am into building and racing ice boats. Nothing like going 70 mph Ah but life would be so boring otherwise.

Anyhow, we just wanted to say how much we enjoy the site and seeing your family.

Love to all,

Uncle Corey and Aunt Loretta

P.S. Thanks for encouraging your mom to write her memoirs. We are really enjoying her book. You can show your boys their great uncle Corey's ice boating adventures at (I am the web guy). Under building boats or construction articles, there is quite a report on my boat projects.