Friday, January 9, 2009

Homeschoolers Don't Get Snow Days

Winter has hit New England hard this year, resulting in an abundance of power outages, icy roads, and snow days for the school kids. It's a nice feeling to wake up to a blizzard and not have to worry about whether or not school is cancelled, and how dangerous the roads will be. We just carry on with our day as usual~ play a bit in the morning, get ready for the day, do some schoolwork, take a break, eat some lunch, do some more work and then play, play, play. This week we spent a generous amount of time outdoors, which is so refreshing after being cooped up inside so much last month. The boys got these nifty snow toys for Christmas and they spent an entire afternoon building forts and perfecting the art of snowball making (and throwing). The weather is calling for more snow flurries today and tomorrow, and I say, "Bring it on!"

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