Thursday, October 1, 2009

Weekly Report~ October 2, 2009

Fall is in the air, and the leaves are changing colors before our eyes. It seems a bit early this year, perhaps due to the rainy summer? All I know is that it will be over in the blink of an eye and we want to get out and enjoy autumn in New England while we can. In the meantime, D had an *excellent* week at school. And B made it to all three days of preschool~ no more fever or snoogy nose. I am in the process of trying to find a balance between school, playtime, screen time, outdoor time, play dates, and afterschooling for D. Luckily, he has a LOT less interest in television now that his days are full, but he does still ask to play on the computer almost every day. He also wants to be outside alot, he asks for playdates almost every day, he craves 'alone time' as well as the occasional 'brother time', he wants to build with his Legos, and he wants to draw. Every day. Now, we all know there are not enough hours in a day to fit all this in, but try telling that to an argumentative six year old!!

I encourage spending time outside as well as playing indoors with or without friends/brother until dinner time, and after dinner is when we focus on afterschooling (although he chooses most of what he wants to do at this point and considers it as 'fun time', so let's not ruin things by calling it school).
Here is a taste of what we did this week:
Real Science 4 Kids Pre-Chemistry~ Unit 1 & lab; Janice Van Cleave experiment book~ two chemistry related experiments and notebooking pages.
Math~ Timed addition sheets, a "math maze", and other review problems.
SOTW~Section on Egyptian pyramids; map, maze, and built a pyramid out of Legos.
FLL~ Learned the definition of common and proper nouns; did a few pages out of a workbook I bought at the bookstore.
Independent Reading and read-alouds
This coming weekend I will give D a placement test to see which level of Singapore Math I need to order for him. Other than that, DH is working his tail off trying to get our house ready to go on the market a week from Saturday. We can't wait for that house to S.E.L.L.


Carrie said...

I'm looking at doing Real Science for Kids Chemistry next year ~ I'll be watching closely to see how you like it! ;)

Hen Jen said...

looks like a really good school week, I love that photo of the pumpkins, by the way, brilliant color!

My boy loves to be on the computer, too...I don't know why, but it seems boys are just drawn in so much by computer games, I have to really watch and monitor his time on.

thanks for stopping by my WW and commenting! :)