Friday, May 23, 2008

A Week of Accomplishments

The training wheels came off last Sunday, and apparently D's been ready for this for awhile because he took off without a bauble. I can honestly say I have never seen him SO PROUD of himself as when he told me how he did it the very first time Daddy let go, without even falling. Not to be outdone, the very next morning B hopped onto his tricycle and began pedaling, all on his own. After weeks of trying to get him to even TRY to pedal and getting nothing more than a blank stare in return, suddenly he's off and rolling. Isn't it amazing what a little competition between brothers can do?

D also learned how to partially tie his shoes (doesn't really count but he was excited) and this morning he tied a balloon by himself. He must be going through a developmental growth spurt. They say it's common for this to happen around the time of a child's half-birthday, and his is just weeks away.


my5wolfcubs said...

I have 5 & 3yo boys -- the older one learned to ride w/o training wheels and the younger to pedal his trike, both within the last month or two...they're growing up. :)
Lee (from the WTM board)

Adventures in Afterschooling said...

Hi Lee, I recognize your user name from the WTM board. Isn't it amazing how quickly they turn from babies to little boys? I'm so excited about their milestones, yet it's all so bittersweet. :)