Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Wave to the School Bus!

Today was the first day of school for our public school district, and we watched the bus drive by in the morning to pick up the neighborhood kids and again this afternoon to drop them off. If D were attending school this year, he'd only be in Kindergarten and wouldn't be taking the bus. Even so, I felt a bit of a disconnect as I watched the big yellow bus noisily chug by. Homeschooling the boys is exactly what I want to be doing right now, but that doesn't erase the twelve years of memories of my own education, especially those of my early elementary years which I remember fondly. It's easy to let doubt creep in as the questions start invading my mind... Will the boys be happy? Will they make friends? Will they feel like they missed out on things? Will I be able to teach them? Will... What if.... What about... ???

After taking a (very large) breath, I was able to reflect on our day and how we did an entire days worth of lessons, AND made a trip to a playground (filled with kids to play with), came home and rested, read a few stories together, played outside and cleaned D's bedroom. All before the big yellow bus noisily chugged by this afternoon.

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