Friday, August 1, 2008

Weekly Report

Next week D will begin doing math lessons, as well as a few read alouds from the Ambleside Online curriculum (Year 0). I am hoping to slowly ease him into our new routine, which will officially begin next Friday with a "Back To School Brunch" and with lessons starting the following Monday. D loves routine and structure, and he may find it difficult adjusting to our new daily rhythm. I figure by stretching out the transition over a couple of weeks instead of all at once might just help him accept it more readily.

One of the things we'll be doing on a weekly basis is using Wednesday as our "fun day", with only math and language arts scheduled for lessons and an outing planned for the remainder of the afternoon. I am excited to visit the new Children's Museum of Dover which just opened last week. It was featured on NH Chronicle the other night and it looks fantastic. Lots of hands-on exhibits (including a dinosaur dig), lots of color, and a lot of activities for the kids to participate in. If they enjoy it, I am thinking of purchasing a family membership so we can go anytime we want and get our fill of it while they're still young.

The schoolroom still needs some work, but it's nearly finished. Yesterday we bought a black adjustable chair to go with our desk, so at least we have the basics covered. I'd really love for it to be DONE before we begin on August 11th just so that I don't have to think about it anymore and so that the room has a cohesive, inviting feel to it. I've got my work cut out for me this weekend!!


Michelle said...

The children's museum sounds like great fun! I like your idea of having fun wednesdays. Enjoy the first weeks of school!

Michelle from WTM board

Kerri said...

I hope that your first school week starts great! It looks like you've got a great plan laid out.

Cellista said...

We're trying to start on the 11th as well, and there's still so much to do! Good luck in getting started. I like the idea of a brunch. We usually go out to lunch as well on our first day, no matter how school goes, we go out and celebrate!
Kristiana (from WTM board)

LLLAcademy said...

Your fun day sounds like a great idea. I hope you enjoy Ambleside this year. They have such wonderfu lists!