Thursday, December 18, 2008

Let There Be Light

I am happy to report we are HOME--- in a well lit, warm house, with the laundry going and the radio playing. We were stuck in the dark for five days straight, from Thursday night until DH came home from work on Tuesday evening. Earlier reports were saying we may not have power back until Saturday, which would leave us with less than one week before Christmas. As it is, Christmas is a week from today. Someone explain to me how that happened? So after an exhausting day yesterday (packing, unpacking, cleaning, driving, cleaning some more, paying bills, and beginning the laundry that has literally taken over our dining room) it was a phenomenal feeling to wake up to a fresh new day today. And the boys must be feeling the same way because they've been playing well, keeping busy, and..... D even ASKED to do school this morning!! Ahhhh, a Christmas miracle indeed.

1 comment:

Kristin said...

Hi Shannon,
Thank you for the Christmas card. Due to the power outage I havent been able to get to them. I just got my Christmas Tree this Sunday during the storm all by myself because Jason and Trevor were working. What a task that was. I hope you are all enjoying electricity and heat again. One week without it wasnt so bad, could have been worse, we could still be without it. Hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas and a happy New Year!
Kristin (Moffett) Whitney