Sunday, December 14, 2008

More Power To You

Or in our case, ANY power would be appreciated! After two days without power, the boys and I have invaded Grandma's apartment while leaving poor DH home to tend the woodstove. It's technically not even winter until next week, yet here we are trying to survive a devastating ice storm that left over 400,000 NH residents without power. But being without power is just the tip of the iceburg (oh, how I couldn't resist!!).... due to the massive amount of rain and melting ice, our basement is flooding. DH spent last night trying to bail out with nothing more than a mop and a candle for light. Our oil lamps are running low, and after calling every store in the area we found out there is NO oil to be found.

It was so wonderful to stand in a nice, hot shower in a heated house. Unfortunately, a few hours later I was dragging two tired, wild boys to an urgent care center. Over the past week we've all been sick with a head cold, but I was also beginning to feel like I might have a UTI. I tried to ignore the symptoms for a few days, but for anyone who has ever had a urinary tract infection, you know very well the symptoms are all but impossible to ignore. I couldn't bear another minute and in pure desperation sought out the nearest clinic. Thank goodness I did because I feel 85% better already after a few doses of antibiotics and a GREAT night's sleep on mom's couch. Now all I'm left with are the unwanted memories of B's screaming tantrum in the waiting room, D climbing the walls and telling the doctor just how BORING it is at a doctor's office, B falling off the stool and smacking his head on the cabinet, D opening the door while I was attempting to put on a hospital gown, and (this is the topper) trying to pee in a cup in a small, not-so-clean bathroom with one boy making paper airplanes out of paper towels and the other boy wondering why mommy goes "pee pee" out of her "squishy bum".

So this morning I was beginning to see a tiny ray of hope, until I got a call from DH. He'd been up all night with the stomach flu and was about to go back to bed for a few hours. And just to spice things up even a *little* bit more, he went upstairs to get some Tums and stepped in a pile of cat puke at the top of the stairs. Terrific fun.

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