Thursday, November 13, 2008

Weekly Report~ November 14, 2008

Finally!! A week to be satisfied with. D was calm (disclaimer: compared to last week), somewhat focused, and went about doing his assigned work until it was completed, with minimal complaining. I can credit his behavior to three distinct happenings: (1) I took away his Halloween candy and gum to give him a break from all the red dye--and all the artificial coloring and flavors--he's been ingesting; (2) He's been sleeping better due to his little brother not waking up as often during he night, and (3) We're not turning on the television until ALL school work is done. Before, I was turning on the tv after breakfast in order to take my shower and get dressed, but I am desperately trying to break the boys of their television addiction and it seems to be working. That being said, I've been unable to take a morning shower and have had a lot less time online, but it's worth it....more than words can say.

We'll see how next week goes. In the meantime, the company my DH works for has been bought-out, which makes for a lot of uncertainty concerning the future of his job. Please keep us in your prayers, if you are so inclined.


Rhonda said...

Yes, I am so inclined to pray for you all!! :)
I hate to hear that news, my husband has been laid off for nearly a month so I understand.
I am so glad that you had a good week. It sounds like you are doing some very productive things.
I hope you have a blessed and fun week-end.

Rhonda said...

I like your chart summary. That's a good idea.

I've said a prayer for your family. I hope it turns out well.

Melissa said...

I will be praying for your husband's job as well!

Your week sounds good! When our morning routine was rough here, I would shower at night to make sure it happened! Made me feel better. Just a thought. :)