Thursday, November 6, 2008

Weekly Report~ November 7, 2008

An early post and an informal one at that.... I am busy getting ready for a much-anticipated SCRAPBOOKING retreat. An entire weekend away, just me, my friends, and my stack of neglected photos waiting to be scrapped. I'd leave tonight if I could!! Not enough school got done this week (and there's "no school" tomorrow since I'll be leaving early), without anything to use as an excuse other than (1) a wild, uninterested student, (2) a crabby, non-napping, pants-wetting 3-year-old and (3) an impatient mommy who spent too much time hiding away in her room. What we DID get done:

Singapore Math Earlybird 2A: Lessons 6 and 7
OPG (phonics): Lessons 63-65
ETC (phonics practice): Lesson 3
Getty-Dubay Italics Handwriting: Letter o
Science: Read Tusk, Tusk by David McKee
Art: Class at studio~ drew/painted portrait of classmate

Once again, we managed to get the "core subjects" done, but I don't feel like it was quality work. D speeds through the pages and there is little to no discussion on my part. He just doesn't like me 'teaching' him when he thinks he can do it all on his own. I suppose if I sit back and ponder this for a moment, it's actually a good trait on his part. It's the beginning of his ability to "learn how to learn" and a step towards the more independent learning he'll be capable of in future years. There, now I feel better ;).


Rhonda said...

You are doing just fine. It is hard with wiggly, active kids (ask me how I know ;)) but they will learn!
It will get easier eventually!! :)

G said...

I've had too many weeks like this, where we barely hit the basics and I don't feel like much was done. BUT, then a week or so later, we seem to have more energy for actually getting a LOT done, so maybe a slow week here and there isn't a bad thing.

bookworm_mom from the WTM boards

Michelle said...

Oh, lucky you going on a scrapbooking retreat. I dream of doing that someday! Hopefully it will be refreshing and renewing for you!

Getting "just" the basics done is a big deal! Don't fret too much and know we all have weeks like that!


Chucki said...

We finished last week the same way. Hopefully things will start getting where you want them after your retreat.

Robin M said...

You are going great.

Robin of mytwoblessings