Friday, November 21, 2008

Weekly Report~ November 21, 2008

After a week of DS complaining about "hating school" because "I don't want to just sit there and stare at a workbook all day", I decided today will be Fun School. We'll read the pile of books that have been neglected due to his procrastination on his other work (math, phonics, handwriting). He can color a map of France while listening to Classical Kids, do some spin art, read a book to me, watch a DVD about France that I received from Netflix, bake something yummy, and do his last lesson from ETC orally. I'll see how many complaints I get doing things this way compared to when I ask him to sit down and "do school". As I write about our day ahead, I realize that this is what I want out of our homeschooling experience more than anything else, not just once in awhile but on a more regular basis. I'm having a hard time balancing book work with the fun stuff, but KNOW that it doesn't have to be one or the other. It can be---and should be---a combination of both.
Speaking of doing school, here is our week in review:


Rhonda said...

Shannon: I believe you have the absolutely perfect Fun School day planned!! :)
I hope you have a terrific day together.

Robin M said...

Sounds like a good plan. Enjoy.


Tonia said...

We have days like that too. I think the really great thing about homeschooling is that we can take that opportunity to step back and add in the fun stuff.

Hope you have a good weekend! :0)

Anonymous said...

Great plan! :)